Downtown Grand Valley is the heart of our town. It is a wonderful place to take a leisurely stroll and visit the many merchants who add to the vibrancy of our town. We are especially known for our restaurants. With over 100 Local Farms, Grand Valley boasts some of the freshest home cooking in Ontario. Food that is grown with our own families in mind. Our farms are our heritage and our future.
We have several eccentric retail shops that showcase our local artisans. Grand Valley is a "Breathe of Fresh Air" if you are looking to slow down, go for a walk and take a load off. Our quaint little village is waiting for you. Be sure to Visit our Business Directory page to see the list of businesses and merchants located on in our community.
Downtown Signage and Facade Improvement Grant
A grant for signage and facade improvements is available as a result of a generous donation by Thomasfield Homes. To apply for this grant, please complete the Façade and Signage Grant Application form.
A map with pins of notable sites and sounds within our Town.
Downtown Parking
Free Parking can be found downtown along both sides of Main Street. Parking lots are located off Amaranth Street West (via the West Back Lane, behind the downtown buildings), Mill Street (behind the Royal Bank and the church) and off Amaranth Street East (at the grocery store and the library). The West Back Lane parking lot is also equipped with an Electric Vehicle charging station.
Valley Alive - your Community Connection
Be sure to check our our COMMUNITY CONNECTION Valley Alive on Facebook to learn more about all things Grand in the Valley. A joint EDC BIA project brought to you by the Town of Grand Valley. To see how you can be a part of our socials, we'd be happy to promote your local business. For Grand Valley, Amaranth, East Garafraxa and surrounding areas.
Look and Learn about all things Grand Valley CLICK BELOW >
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Contact Us
Town of Grand Valley
5 Main St. N., Grand Valley
Ontario L9W 5S6
Telephone: 1-519-928-5652
Fax: 1-519-928-2275
Hours: Mon-Fri 8:30a.m. to 4:30p.m. Closed holidays.